Traffic Matters
As part of the school’s commitment to maintaining a safer and more secure school environment, we have various measures in place to manage vehicular and pedestrian traffic, as well as protocols to enhance visitor security.
The following are the specific measures currently in place.
1. Considering the high footfall within the school, pedestrian pathways are segregated from vehicle routes during peak hours. This is to minimise the occurrence of accidents and ensure that everyone can move safely within the school grounds.
2. To create a safer environment for staff, students and the public at the Main Gate pedestrian crossing, we will only permit cars driving into the school to exit via the Basketball Court Gate during peak hours.

3. Please note the following access and exit points within the school and the peak hours:

^Please exit only via Basketball Court Gate during these hours.
4. During the hours listed above, exit via the Main Gate will be denied. All cars will be directed to the Basketball Court Gate when leaving the school. Do note that the Basketball Court Gate exit is a left turn only into Dover Road.

5. Pick-up/ drop-off point for students will be at the round-about during peak hours.

6. Parents/ Guardians are reminded not to park or wait for their children at the round-about, as it is a one-lane road. Instead, please wait to pick your child up until after dismissal time to ensure he/she is already waiting at the round-about.
7. The round-about is closed outside of peak hours. Pick-up and drop-off can only be done in front of Boarding School Hall 2.

8. Cars leaving the school outside of peak hours will exit via the Main Gate.
9. During peak hours, students are usually picked up/dropped off at the round-about. However, parents are encouraged to use alternative points like the SIT gate or nearby HDB blocks.
SIT Gate:

If your child’s classroom is at the Old Block, the SIT gate drop-off point is particularly helpful as it is the closest pick-up/ drop-off point to their classes.
Surrounding HDB pick-up/ drop-off bay at:
5 Dover Crescent, Block 5, Singapore 130005

10. Entry via the Basketball Court Gate is only for staff whose vehicle IU units have been registered with the school’s gantry reader. Entry is NOT permitted for other vehicles.
11. When exiting the Basketball Court Gate during peak hours, please be cautious of cars driving into school as there will be criss-crossing of traffic as shown in the image below:

12. Certified traffic marshals will be posted at this access point. For the safety of all drivers entering and exiting through this access point, please follow the direction of these traffic marshals.
13. All parking lots at the Boarding School are out of bounds. Visitors can park at the carpark opposite the synthetic turf, marked out in red in the diagram below.

14. A carpark display counter along the road will indicate whether any lots are available. If the carpark is full during off peak hours, the gantry will not open and cars will have to exit the school. Refer to the diagram below for the locations of the carpark display counter and gantry.

15. Please note that there are only 36 lots available in this visitors’ carpark.
16. If the carpark is full, visitors will have to park at the Multi-Storey Carpark at Block 28 Dover Crescent Singapore 120028, opposite the school.
17. For safety and security reasons, drivers are not allowed to park indiscriminately within school premises. Vehicles that do not comply with the school’s parking regulations will have their license plates noted by security for follow-up action.
18. While visitors can only park at the visitors’ carpark mentioned above, the school can reserve a lot for invited visitors. These lots are located directly opposite the Boarding School, as shown in the figure marked in red.

19. If you have been invited to visit the school, our school staff will ask for the following details so that a visitor parking lot can be reserved for you in front of the Boarding School:
- Date and time of visit
- Name(s) of guest(s)
- Car plate number
20. Invited guests must present a valid invitation email from ACS(I) to security personnel. Additionally, our staff will inform security of your car plate number to reserve a parking spot in front of the Boarding School.
21. All visitors must be cleared by security before they are allowed into the school. They will be given a sticker that needs to be adhered visibly on their clothing while in the school premises. Example:

22. For visitors with no prior appointment made with the school, they can park at the visitors’ carpark (if there are available lots).
23. Our security personnel play a vital role in ensuring the enforcement of these measures. We kindly request the support of all stakeholders to cooperate with them, enabling them to perform their duties effectively. This includes guidance regarding parking, driving directions within the school, and the necessity for guests to register and comply with visitor requirements.
24. As a school family, we appreciate them for their work and ask that they are treated with the necessary respect at all times.
We seek your continued support and cooperation in enforcing our regulations to minimise risks and ensure the safety and security of our staff and students.
We appreciate your partnership in keeping our school community safe and thriving.
Thank you.