Yuhua Community Club National Day Celebrations 2023
On August 9, 2023, seven members of the ACS (I) scout troop participated in the National Day Observance Ceremony at Yuhua Community Club. We began the ceremony with a parade, led by our Scout Leader, Wong Leong Tze Ethan. Thereafter, we ran a booth featuring traditional games, specifically hopscotch. We put a lot of effort into designing the hopscotch boards to make them as engaging and attractive as possible. We enjoyed celebrating National Day with members of the public, which served as a reminder of our strong Singaporean spirit.
Sumanyu Agarwal Jayagobi (3.09 Zephaniah)
Tee Rayan Adam (Zheng Wei'en) (3.01 Jeremiah)
Explaining the game of hopscotch to the residents in Yuhua
Participants enjoying themselves
West Area Scout Troop