Project Cardia
On 29 April, 5.18 co-hosted the Labour Day celebrations and organised a carnival with the Crisis Relief Alliance to show our appreciation to migrant workers in Singapore.
Over a span of four weeks, the class tirelessly collected over 6000 snacks and drinks and 800 pre-loved apparel, from students and teachers. These were provided as prizes for the game booths that the class had set up at the carnival. In addition, we had photo booths, health screening and befriending services for the migrants. Though running the booths for six hours was exhausting, watching the migrant workers enjoying themselves made the experience a meaningful one for us.
It was certainly an honour to show our gratitude and appreciation to the migrant workers who have worked hard to build and maintain Singapore’s infrastructure.
Written by Zackary Chong (5.18 Colossians)
Packing the donated items
Migrant workers playing toss the ring at the game booth
Joyous after the successful completion of Project Cardia