Limitless: Unlocking the brAIn
Limitless: Unlocking the brAIn, a staff-initiated learning day on 6 November 2023, was a collage of teacher-led workshops and booths that focused on the use of technological tools for teaching and learning. The morning opened with our keynote speaker, an ACS alumnus, Mr Bertrand Lee who shared insights on the rising focus on the use of artificial intelligence, namely, ChatGPT before teachers engaged with both workshops and booths. Mr Jacob Mok, a workshop leader, explained that his sharing on Smart Assignment Automation Mastery was to “ensure that [his] edge does not dull”. Participant, Ms Nicole Tay, who attended ChatGPT Unleashed, found that the use of “effective [ChatGPT's] prompts … enhances execution of administrative tasks”. There were also 11 booths set up in the boarding school providing quick tips on the use of varying technological tools. The bustling ecology of sharing and learning amongst the teachers attested to a fruitful and enjoyable morning for all.
Dr Doreen Ang

Ms Chock Attending Excel Drop Downs and Text Fusion

Mr Shaun Choo Dressed Up For His Workshop Excel Formula Magic

Mr Jacob Mok Sharing on Smart Assignment Automation Mastery