Bring Your Parents To School Day on 27 Feb 2024
On 27 February, we held our annual Bring Your Parents to School Day. It was a joy to welcome the parents of our Year 1 students and share a special day with them.
Year 1 parents gained an authentic school experience by joining their sons for the morning assembly on the artificial turf. The interactive half-day program allowed them to:
Enjoy breakfast with their sons at the Student Activity Centre.
Embark on personalized school tours conducted by their sons.
Witness student-led presentations in class.
Meet their sons’ Pastoral Class Teachers.
After bidding farewell to their parents, the boys were captivated by the engaging Book Buzz Talk presented by the NLB. Their enthusiastic responses and loud applause at the end were a testament to their enjoyment. Bring Your Parents to School Day was a resounding success. It served as a powerful reminder of the positive impact strong school-family partnerships can have on students' development.

Morning assembly at the artificial turf

Breakfast and bonding at the SAC