Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
In ACS (Independent), we recognize that we have been blessed and in turn, we seek to be a blessing to the community and environment.
Our school’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is derived from our core purpose of nurturing ACSians to be catalysts for change with Godly values and robust character, equipped and willing to serve and lead in the family, nation and global community.
Guided by our school’s core values SHIELD, in particular, that of Empathy, our staff and students are committed to actively contribute to and create a positive impact on the community and environment in two main areas of focus:
Empathy for the Community
1. Special Needs
ACS (Independent) sees its role as being a catalyst for change to bring about progress and development within the community and education fraternity. One such area is that of special needs education, where the school wants to create greater school-wide awareness of their needs. In the long term, we hope to establish greater educational and developmental opportunities in order to build a more inclusive community in Singapore and in our school.
The approach to take includes:
Supporting the needs of special schools and organisations
Creating opportunities for integration of the special needs community in ACS (Independent)
2. Cancer Awareness
Recognising the devastating impact of cancer on the individual and their family, our school partners local and international cancer organisations in supporting cancer warriors in their battle against the disease. We are also actively involved in programmes supporting the early detection, treatment and prevention of cancer.
The approach to take includes:
Corporate Support in fund-raising for cancer research projects
Staff Involvement in cancer awareness programmes
Student-involved partnership with cancer organisations
3. Help for the Less Fortunate
ACS (Independent) recognizes that it is our responsibility to support sectors of our community who may require assistance. Our staff and students not only contribute to efforts in aid of the needy and less fortunate, but are themselves also catalysts for creative and impactful projects that support deserving community causes.
The approach to take includes:
School-wide charity drives
Staff-led & student-initiated community projects
Empathy for the Environment
1. ‘Go Green’ Initiatives
Both the School and the Boarding-School aim to make ‘Going Green’ part of the lifestyle of all our staff and students. We not only promote practices which contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment, but also support innovative measures for cost savings and reduction in energy consumption
2. VIA projects
In ACS (Independent), our Values-In-Action (VIA) framework is designed to ensure that all VIA projects are staff-facilitated and student-initiated. In particular, our Year 1 and Year 2 students are involved in the planning and implementation of VIA projects to help them acquire a strong sense of belonging and love for the school.